My baby Jack left his body in January 2023 and sent me a message for all pet parents. While I already knew that his life would continue, each pet and person shows their passing and new life in the very personal and unique way they experience it. The last look Jack gave me was an […]
A bi-weekly show where I help animals and their people live happier, healthier lives by letting the animals’ voices be heard. I’ll share fascinating and funny stories of client cases (names changed) to educate pet parents about the depth of an animal’s wisdom and wit. You’ll receive helpful tips on pet care, grief, and connecting […]
“Thanks for the marshmallows, Dad!” Bandit the dog said through me to his grieving dad. Dad wasn’t doing so great after Bandit’s passing weeks before the reading his mom scheduled to bring comfort to Dad. “Marshmallows?” asked Dad. “I don’t understand what he means.” In my mind’s eye I saw an exuberant yellow lab licking […]
Yes! Well, most of them have an opinion about their name or what they’d like to be called. Like people, some things matter more or less to us. How do you like your name? Animals tell me whether they like, loathe or are indifferent to their name and nicknames. Names matter…they’re powerful energy carriers. Names […]
Welcome to our new site! We hope you find it a great resource for your psychic mediumship and animal communication needs. I’d love to hear your feedback and anything else you’d like to see on our site. You’ll see many of my own pets throughout the site and in future blogs. And I’d love to […]