Schedule readings with Ms. Enchanted Paws

(Don't worry, she's only the scheduler!)

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This FAQ answers most questions about how readings work via video conference worldwide or house calls in Sarasota/Tampa Bay, Florida. I’m available for speaking engagements nationwide (if my animals sign my permission slip.) 

Readings can change lives and are a special gift to give yourself or a loved one. Legally, please remember this is for entertainment purposes and is not a substitute for medical, psychological, legal, or veterinary care. Even Sniffer the Bear here knows that!

(Thank you, Photographer Bill Lea for helping protect bears by telling their stories through photos.)

What if I’m a skeptic?

You’re in the right place. It’s normal to doubt things that sound too good to be true, but don’t block miracles and magic by putting up brick walls. Playing "test the psychic" wastes your time and money, and my talents. This is a partnership between the Spirit, client and Medium. The evidence I deliver is clear, authentic, and personal.  Be open to the love, laughter, and healing that await. There's a big world beyond the limited viewpoints of closed minded people.

Some messages are universal. Most creatures like food, love, and fun, but, there are wide ranges in preferences. Spirit messages vary greatly in content and communication style. Messages are multi layered from word choice, intonation, cadence, personality style, and relationship dynamics. Trust in your loved ones and choose a medium you think they'd like. Gifted mediums balance the Spirit's and client's needs, while having strong boundaries and a sense of compassion and humor. Integrity is essential in delivering the real message, not a watered down or embellished one. 

I connect deeply with the essence of each spirit and animal. The connections happen rapidly and conversations can feel like I've known them forever. Don’t obsess over any one particular question. Go with the flow, and let the animals and Spirits lead the show. 

Is there a waiting period before contacting a deceased loved one?

Not really. Mediums will differ on this, but the reality is there is no set rule. If your grief is raw and you don’t feel you’d be able to process messages,then it’s best to wait until the eye of the storm has passed. But, Spirits of all species have safely arrived into their new forms and can see, hear and feel you instantly just as they did here. When you feel ready, they are ready. It can be valuable to follow up with them 6 months, a year or anytime after your initial session to experience more connection as their souls and yours continue to evolve. 

Is it scary connecting to “the other side”?

No. The pain we go through as people is scary. Spirits help us feel more peaceful when we experience their presence. Spirits want us to joyfully live our lives until we reunite one day. Maintaining a higher energetic vibration makes it easier to feel their love and receive signs. They try to break through our grief to comfort us. Spirits are right here, now and can see and feel our love and pain.You can learn to feel their presence. Unwelcome Spirits will not be invited into our sessions. Only beings of loce and light. I have assisted many people with trauma. You are safe.

Do mediums grieve their departed loved ones too?

Yes. I grieve, cry, and get angry at pain and loss. And then… like a giant rainbow with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies underneath, my pets and Spirit friends rush in with loving and comical signs they're with me. Those moments make me feel like I’ve won the afterlife Olympics, and I am excited to help you experience this joy too.

Our spirits are limitless! My surrender to and trust of my furry and human family is rewarded with their contagious joy and "free-spirited" freedom- two things they most want us to feel here. Your loved ones LOVE you. They will come through for you. I’ll help you recognize signs and hear their messages.

Death is initially a party pooper that soon transforms its Guest of Honor into being healed in their beautiful new life. We might feel left behind, but that's in our minds. The party continues in our hearts and one day we really do meet again...the reunion of a lifetime!


I'm spiritual, not religious. I believe we are souls with eternal life. I don’t believe a bearded old white dude judges and punishes us. I believe we're all connected and that our afterlife will be as unique as we are. Imagine that all of us have  tickets to "The Big Show." We can't buy first class tickets. We must be first class characters to qualify for the best seating and snacks! We can upgrade later as we learn and grow. Animals, of course have reign over the whole kingdom and which people are allowed on the good sofas.

Depending on my clients' beliefs, religious figures do sometimes appear in readings. It’s a wild guest list: Jesus, Buddha, Angels, Nature Spirits, The Cheshire Cat! Humans think in black and white terms and linear time. Spirit is a colorful explosion of boundary-less adventures. One belief system doesn’t cancel out another’s. Love really is the only religion.

why get a reading (1 of 2)

Psychic, Animals, Spirits, Pet/People Combo Readings

 Psychic Guidance Readings for support on life challenges including: love, family, career, health, or any area where you need direct answers without judgment. Stress makes it challenging to hear our own wisdom. Readings often validate what we already know and help us move forward. Other times, readings are wake-up-calls.that empower us with new insights and the courage to create happier, healthier lives. These readings don't involve animals or deceased loved ones. 🔮

 Schedule an Animal Communication Reading to help your animal family with behavioral, emotional, or medical challenges. Get to know your pets in a fun new way and understand what they’re thinking and feeling. Receive answers to serious and silly questions and become the best pet parent. Connect with beloved pets in Spirit who haven't left your side.

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why get a reading? (2 of 2)

Pets don’t need to be present for a reading. They can be eating, sleeping, in the bathtub or at a nightclub! The process is the same. Telepathic communication is a heart-centered, intuitive intention and connection. 😻🐶

Schedule a Mediumship Reading to connect with family and friends who've passed into Spirit. Many people receive comfort, grief relief, peace, and often closure to unresolved issues keeping them stuck. Reconnect with your loved one’s wisdom, love, and humor. 🌹

Schedule a Pet/People Combo Reading to connect with animals and people here or in Spirit and/or  receive psychic guidance too. Session time  flies  by in readings. Book accordingly. 🙂

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who comes through in a reading? (1 of 2)

Whomever you’d like to hear from! We can communicate with a person or pet on Earth or in Spirit, no matter how much time has passed; and whether or not you’ve met in person. Energy never dies and is therefore accessible between forms and realms, across dimensions and timelines. (I'm hearing the theme song from The Muppets, Pigs in Space!) Messages are received similar to downloading files onto your computer except the hard drive of the multiverse won't crash on you. The types and depth of messages we receive depend on our soul's development, training, personality, and other factors. 

 The more open you are, the more you’ll receive from our session. Your human and furry family are by your side- just a conversation away. Please know your loved ones can always hear you without a professional Medium. I can help you hear them back by facilitating two-way conversations.

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who comes through in a reading? (2 of 2)

Here are two great examples of how close our loved ones are…
 A woman connecting with her dad through a reading with me received many evidential messages, but couldn’t make sense of why he kept mentioning a frog. She laughed, “I have no idea about any frog.” I advised her to let her heart and mind stay open. As soon as we hung up, she burst out laughing and messaged me: “Shannon, I forgot that I’ve been cross-stitching a frog picture all week!” Her dad was acknowledging he could see what she’s up to! Even an imaginary animal can communicate to a real dad. 😉🐸

 A cat in Spirit kept telling me to tell his mom “It would be nice if you put my face in the locket! And pass the Milanos.” Mom pulled out the locket from under her shirt, opened it up and it was empty. She said, “I’ve been meaning to put his picture in it! And my husband is always eating Milano cookies! Family members who pass are still a part of our daily lives...and sometimes leave crumbs!

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how do spirits come through?

Spirits and animals communicate in many creative ways including: words, images, memories, movies, songs, book titles, themes, cartoon characters, timeless references, humor, etc. I see, hear, and feel things that your loved ones send through me and share from the Spirits’ perspective. Time isn't linear in the afterlife and spirits of all species aren't limited by human constraints like time and space.

 Many things will make sense right away. Other things will resonate later that day, month, or a future date. Grief can impact the processing of emotional information. Each reading is a unique, special partnership between the medium, the Spirit, and the client. Remember, you don’t need a medium for your loved ones to hear your thoughts. They are always listening. I am of service by facilitating two way conversations, so you can hear them too. 

How to Prepare for a Reading (1 of 3)

1. Please send photos of pets or people with names at least a day in advance to   
 I also work without photos.🔮

2. Time flies VERY fast in sessions. Please begin with your priorities. Don't save your most important question for last. We start and finish within your paid allotted time. It’s ok if you’re not sure what to ask. 💜

3. PLEASE DO NOT TEXT. Email is best. Call if urgent. Note your CELL number on your contact form in case I need to quickly reach you. 🌻 For an emergency pet session, call 727-483-0400. Non emergency same day psychic readings are occasionally available.

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How to Prepare for a Reading (2 of 3)

4. Be in a quiet, private place during your session. Only 1 client may be present unless a guest/partner is pre approved. Messages can be very personal and everyone's energy affects the session.  Animals are always welcome. 🐾

5. We meet via a Google Meet link I'll send. Please check technology is working, know how to use your mic and camera, and be on time. Extra time cannot be allotted for client tech issues. Clients may AUDIO record sessions only. Mayor Puppypants Unleashed, LLC records sessions for our protection and does not send these to clients.🐬

6. Shannon is the messenger and delivers your loved ones’ messages exactly as she receives them. Messages come through her, not from her. Major transformation occurs when clients are ready to communicate and take action when necessary. 🦋

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How to Prepare for a Reading (3 of 3)

7. Pets don’t need to be present for sessions. Let them be comfortable and please don’t force them to sit by you. It’s a telepathic process, allowing loved ones of all species in Spirit to be present too. 🐾❤️😇

8. Breathe. You’re in good hands and paws here. Open your energy, trust, and receive. 🌹

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House Call Readings/Private Events

House calls for private animal communication or mediumship readings are available in Sarasota and Tampa Bay areas for an additional cost. When you book your session, please note who will be present and their relationship to you, such as family or friends. Note your goals for the session and address in the notes field when booking. You may also email this info.

House calls are designed for two hours, unless otherwise customized, and allow for pet and people family to come through if desired, and as time allows.

Party Animal and Family Reunion Events are for in person or video sessions to connect with animal or human loved ones. Additional time is needed for larger parties with multiple individual readings. Please email us with any questions on how to design the best event for your group’s needs.

what questions can I ask?

Common questions for pets…

What do you need to be happier and healthier?
How do you like your food, vet, sitter, living situation?
How would you feel about adding another pet?
What's causing your medical/behavioral/emotional issue and
what can help?
What signs do you send us to let us know you’re still here?
Are you ready to transition into Spirit and what do you need?
What name would you like to be called?
What messages do you have for your people?
What do you most/least like to do?
How do you feel about my partner?

Mediumship Questions

What messages or memories would you like to share?
What signs do you send/when are you most near me?
What are you doing now in Spirit?
What advice do you have on my life, love, work?
How was your passing?
Ask what your heart needs to know. There are no guarantees for if/how they answer, but Spirit provides great evidence of their presence and desire to help us heal. My wish for you is that you sleep in peace and wake in joy.