My baby Jack left his body in January 2023 and sent me a message for all pet parents. While I already knew that his life would continue, each pet and person shows their passing and new life in the very personal and unique way they experience it. The last look Jack gave me was an all encompassing hug that conveyed, “Mom, I am not leaving you. Where I am going is beyond words. It is so BIG and MAGICAL and full of LOVE… and I am sending its energy through my eyes to you now as I take my last breath. Do you understand? I will be with you in a new way. You will feel me, I will see you and you will join me in this place one day. Do you trust this? I believe in you, Mom. Feel my love, it’s about to EXPAND and I will protect and love you forever.”
I received Jack’s one powerful look that was a soul transfusion uniting us for eternity. I held his gaze and he knew I understood, and he close his eyes and was free to go be and do what his soul now needed. That night he visited me in a little spaceship like the ones I saw in the cartoon THE JETSONS. Elroy the dog in that cartoon looks like Jack’s twin. Jack was JOYFUL and told me he was “flying through time and space!” He beamed me up into his passenger seat with his Earth brother-pups in the back. We all went flying with Jack as our pilot. Fearless, ALIVE and laughing at the sheer grandness of Jack’s new adventure.
It wasn’t a dream, but more of a lucid experience- a reality much like this world. Jack is a skilled pilot and we didn’t have any baggage with us. We were all FREE- the natural state of all of our souls. I am not one for cliches, and one of the ones to avoid telling grieving souls is “They’re in a better place.” And yet, it’s true. This better place is so much better it defies anything people can pereceive, and so Jack made sure to take me there to experience. I was changed afterwards and as a pet mom, I breathe easier knowing Jack is SAFE and haing the time of his afterlife!
Almost a year later I met a dog named Stella, a beautiful chocolate colored mutt who wanted to show off in her own outerspace way too to comfort her grieving mom. Stella began our reading by having me deomstrate how her parents used to call out, “STELLLLLLA!” the way its done in A STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE where Stanley yells for his lady like this. She gave many details about her life including how she was focused on her dad’s fingernails. Stella’s mom confimed she’d go bonkers whenever Dad cut his fingernails! Mom confirmed Stella’s loving evidence of her time in body with them. Mom was smiling, laughing, crying and visibly lit up with Stella’s love.
Stella then showed me how right after she passed, she hovered in a little spaceship over her body watching her parents sobbed. She beamed a ray of light like the spotlight from ET’s spaceship upon them. I was a little concerned that when I relayed this it might seem too weird, but It is my job to relay messages, not censor, sugarcoat, or dilute them. Doing so could risk bringing through the most powerful message of all! And so, I took a deep breath, and I said, “Stellla is showing me herself watching over her final moments in a little spaceship, and she sent you a loving white light emanating from it to heal you.”
Stella’s mom looked at me like I was from outerspace… in the best way possible! “Shannon! I swear I felt a spaceship hovering over us, just as you describe!” I was relieved and ecstatic! Had Jack and Stella met? Do all dogs acquire a spaceship? No doubt cats are renting them out to them… while blowing past them. We continued our convesation and Stella’s mom stopped and smiled. “I can’t beleive I didn’t tell you this when you said ‘spaceship,” our last family trip with Stella was to Roswell, New Mexico (home of all the UFO sightings!) Our pets’ love really is “outta this world,” and whether your vat or dog is taking a walk, a swim, or a nap… or flying around in a spaceship- please know that like Jack and Stella, they are flying safely and joyfully through time and space.
Copyright 2023-2024 Mayor Puppypants Unleashed
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